Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Photos From The Past Few Days...

Hi Everyone,
It's been a crazy few days! Before I post a few photos, thank you to everyone that has taken the time to send an email, post a comment, or post John's blog on their site over the past 24 hours. For that matter, thanks for linking to our blog as well. Since noon today, we've had over 3 thousand hits on our website, mostly because of of Isaac's experience with his hero, John Mayer, in Toronto. The support that we have received has been humbling.

Isaac is resting well at Sick Kids' in Toronto. He's breathing well, probably better than I've heard from him in his entire life. And in the recovery room, he's remained true to form and has been watching his John Mayer DVD on repeat.

Below are a few photos that I captured on my cell-cam over the past few, very busy days. Sorry for the quality...seems I can't shoot proper photos with my cell phone!
Again, thanks for the support. I can't express how wonderful it feels to know that we are not alone in this fight for a cure.
The Isaac Foundatoin
Photo Info: Picture 1 - Isaac during Treatment on Monday - Watching his John Mayer DVD.
Picture 2 - Our Mayer Concert Picnic.
Picture 3 - Andrea Hoover with Isaac in the pre-OR.
Picture 4 - Our Favourite Dr. - Jengus Carslie before Anesthetic.
Picture 5 - Recovery Room with Dad.

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